Ms. Tina Knowles shut down rumors-" Beyonce is not Pregnant!!!"
WATCH WILLOW SMITH on BET"S 106 & Park Tomorrow!!!
I love these sneakers!!!!
"Alicia Keys Gives Birth to a Baby Boy!!!"

I would like to say Congratulations to the new mom and dad, Singer/Musician/Actress, Alicia Keys & her husband, Producer/Rapper, Swiss Beats a.k.a. Kaseem Dean , for giving birth to a baby boy on Thursday night, Oct. 14, 2010 in New York at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital . The couple have named their son, Egypt Dean.
No Pictures have surfaced yet of the new baby boy, but Please check back!!! I will put them up as soon as they are available!
How many of you like the her son's name "Egypt"......
Please leave your comments!!!
Brea Renee xoxo
Rapper T.I. Sentenced to 11 months in jail!!!!!

Just 48 hours ago, Rapper T.I. a.k. Clifford Harris, had an impact on a young man named "Joshua's" life. Now, He had to face U.S. District Judge Charles Pannel, to see what the outcome would be on his life!!
The Outcome: T.I. has been sentenced to serve 11 months in jail for violating the terms of his probation.
I got this information, firsthand from V103's lovely Rashan Ali. She was at the courthouse covering the story and V103's Ryan Cameron was on the Air.
From the beginning, Judge Charles Pannel, took a deep breath in disgust, when T.I. appeared before him again.
The State requested 2 years maximum in jail and T.I. 's (6) attorney's were requesting "no jail time" but to the least, house arrest.
The Judge's decision was in the middle and fair, by giving him 11 months, when he could have easily received, the maximum of 6 years in jail.
T.I.'s wife Tiny a.k.a Tameka Cottle Harris, reportedly “burst into tears when a judge handed down T.I.’s sentence of 11 months.
The State Attorney, who was very upset that T.I. violated his probation, went on to say,
" The road to redemption, does not mean you take a detour."
T.I. is due to turn himself in on Nov. 1, 2010

Photos: AP/
Singer Monica, Singer/Songwriter Keishia and Rapper Pastor Troy were among the celebrities to come out and support T.I.

My prayers go out to his wife and kids!! Hang on... He'll be back and this time I hope for good!!!
"Your Fans and I" will miss you T.I. - God Bless!!!!
Brea Renee xoxo
I heard the news today, while driving in my car from V103's Radio Station with Rashan Ali and Ryan Cameron. Ryan was on site to cover the story as soon as he heard the news. Rashan covered the news on air,with the public.
I just kept praying for this young man's life, and knew that GOD will bring someone forward to touch this man's heart, mind and soul to make him want to live again.
Due to the fact, that there are so many prominent and influentual people here in Atlanta, I knew someone had to be here within reach, who can relate to his situation and encourage him, not to end his life.
Then I heard "Rapper T.I." aka Clifford Harris", came to offer his help!!!
Thank You GOD!!! That's all I could say!!!!!!!!!!
I knew right then if anyone could talk to him I knew T.I. could!!!!
T.I. assisted the police and negotiator by offering to speak with this young man.
A video message was delivered to "Joshua" to let him know, TI was downstairs, and wanted to speak to him. Joshua agreed and came down!!!
Ryan and Rashan briefly spoke to T.I. after he talked to Joshua. T.I. said "I can't take any credit for what happened today,"GOD sent me in that direction, when I was on the way to shoot my music video." Everyone was curious about what T.I. said to Joshua that made him change his mind??
T.I. stated, "Whatever the problem is, You will get through this, You know I know!" T.I. also told Joshua, If there is anything he can do to help his situation, he was willing to do that for him!!!!
During this whole coverage, my heart was racing!!! It wasn't until, Ryan asked T.I about his response to what the public would think about him coming forward at this time, due to his current situation, that got me emotional. T.I. responded by saying, In no way, he is expecting what happen today, to have any effect on his situation." He continued, by apologizing and asked for forgiveness of his fans, friends and ATLANTA, for letting them down, with his recent arrest, but plans to make it up to everyone some way. I truly believe what he did today was "SINCERE and he spoke from his HEART!" Why did he go down to help assist the police?? Because that's just who he is, "T.I.", Not the person the media portrays him to be!!!
People can say they are KING all day long but don't live up to the name. If you didn't know, now you do! T.I. is the KING!!!!
"No matter what,through Thick and Thin, I've been T.I's. #1 fan from day one!!"
We are all "HUMAN" and Everyone is going to make "MISTAKES" in their lives. GOD doesn't expect us to be PERFECT, he only expects PROGRESS!!! We live and learn from our mistakes which makes us all grow into a better person that we are today. After all his ups and downs, T.I. manages to bounce back, learning from his mistakes,spreading positivity to the youths and giving back any way he can!!!
To: Joshua ,his family and friends; Please continue to Pray & Ask God for strength and direction. Continue to give Joshua love and the support he desperately needs right now!! Whatever happened today can easily happen tomorrow!!!
T.I. is due to appear in court, this Friday, Oct 15, 2010 for a probration violation.
I would like for everyone to pray for him and his family!!! Thank You!!!
Happy Birthday QT JAZZ!!!!

Dreams Come True Blog - Follow Ms. King !!!!!!

The owner of the site is Ms. King. She is a beautiful person, recent college graduate and full of wisdom!!!

and by the way, Did I mention she is a twin!!!!Follow her now!!!! Thanks!!!!!
Brea Renee xoxo
50 Cent & Chelsey Handler Dating????
106 & Park 10 Year Anniversary!!!!!

The 3 city show yesterday was Bananas!!! I would also like to Thank all the artist who came out to show their support!!!!! It was great seeing AJ & Free, it bought tears to my eyes, seeing their last episode again, but I wish BET would have given them the farewell celebration they deserve. Keep striving for a better YOU! Don't settle for less or doing it just to get by!! Do it BIG or Don't do it at all!!!